Meal Kits for Kids

On four Thursdays in July and August, the Bennington-Rutland Supervisory Union (BRSU) will administer a federally funded program that supplies a free Meal Kit for Kids for every child 18 years old and younger. Each recipient receives ingredients to make a healthy breakfast and lunch for seven days. (Note that these meals are not available to beneficiaries of other free meal sites or programs, with the exception of the Kids Summer Lunch Program.)

The Meal Kits will be distributed each week on Thursday, starting on July 11th and ending August 1st. The food bags will be available at the following BRSU schools:

  • Manchester Elementary Middle School: 11 am to 1 pm — First come basis.

  • Mettawee Community School: 12 noon to 1 pm — please sign-up in advance

  • Currier Memorial School: 11:30 am to 12:30 pm — please sign up in advance

Sign up for Meal Kits at Mettawee or Currier by emailing Stephanie Gates at or calling the BRSU Central Office at 802-362-2452 extension 1518 and leaving a message.

Help us spread the word about this free program for our kids.