Movie Night at Mettawee

On the evening before the last major storm of the winter (hopefully), something was stirring at the Mettawee Community School (MCS). Gym mats were laid across the floor of the auditorium and the aroma of popcorn filled the air. A crowd of children, parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles filled in carrying blankets and pillows. Roll the cameras on Friday night at the movies, Mettawee style.

“We were thinking of ways to bring our community together at the end of a long winter,” said MCS Principal Brooke DeBonnis. “With the closest theater 40 minutes away in Glens Falls, the idea was let’s all go to the movies at school.”

The school’s Parent Teacher Organization took the lead. They supplied the munchies: popcorn, cookies and bottled water for a treat. They also selected three movie options to consider and gave the students the final vote.

The winner? The Super Mario Bros. Movie — and the families who packed the gym.

(Photo above: Families share an evening together at Mettawee Movie Night.)

Mother and son

A mother and son enjoy an evening at the movies at the Mettawee Community School.

Students at the Mettawee movies

Students relaxing with friends as they watch “The Super Mario Bros. Movie” at the Mettawee Community School.

Two famiies at the Movies

Two families share an evening together at Movie Night at the Mettawee Community School.