The words of Wizard of Oz lyricist Yip Harburg graced the program of the Mettawee Community School Spring Concert: “Words make you think. Music makes you feel. A song makes you feel a thought.”
Feelings and thoughts filled the school’s auditorium during a performance featuring a wide range of music for families and friends: Traditional folk songs, gospels, overtures, and rock ’n roll — music by notable musicians like Woody Guthrie, Chuck Berry, Tom Petty and Bruno Mars — choral arrangements and instrumental performances — and even the official state song of Vermont ("These Green Mountains") and the National Anthem.
“The spring concert is our gift to the community.” says Mettawee music teacher Lisa Hoyt. “Singing and playing instruments together gives form to a variety of newly acquired musical skills and talents, but most of all we strive to perform music to be expressive, share a positive message and have a good time.”
(Photo above: Mettawee Sixth Grade Ukulele Ensemble delights the audience at the Spring School Concert.)
The Mettawee Fifth and Sixth Grade Chorus stand poised and ready to perform at the Spring Concert.
Fifth graders Robert Godette and Landon Staples stand ready with their instruments and eager to perform at the Mettawee Spring Concert.
Music teacher Lisa Hoyt directs the Mettawee Concert Band at the Spring Concert.